Layout play-about

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This is a moodboard I have created of all different layout designs that I think are successful (from Pinterest).

I have noticed from this that I quite like designs that are centralised. I also like the use of squares and the addition of one colour (yellow in the moodboard above) to add some interest to the design. I may incorporate some of the different layouts that I like into my brochure.


After creating this moodboard, we then has to move a layout about to create new layouts. Here is one of my better choices:

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I prefer the less text-heavy designs. The grey could be used as a background pattern or photo depending on what the use of this design would be. I will take some ideas from what I created.

Cards for Businesses

First of all, I thought I had better look at some of the best business cards that have been created. I found this website that shows 30 of the best business card ideas around:

I particularly like:

creative-business-cards-4-4-2 creative-business-cards-4-11-2 creative-business-cards-4-24


The ones that would not fit in your wallet are not really a business card so I will not include them in my research.

Similarities with the business cards:

  • Clear grid design
  • Usually a combination of two fonts – one serif and one sans serif
  • The paper cards are all quite pale with white or off white backgrounds
  • Simple vectors are used



Tattoo business cards:

Blackbird-Tattoo-Business-Cards-l sl-tattoo_2x_1x


Nautical business cards:

medium_93ad49c04c860130ff5112313815557d periscope_01



Business Cards

Before I create any larger documents, I decided it would be better first to create smaller stationary. I wanted to play around with the colours and shapes of my logo design and incorporate them with my business card.

This is how my business card is looking so far:

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  • The grey stripes on the background have been taken from the lighthouse stripes.
  • The type is a combination of Baskerville and a tattoo font I found called SignWriter.
  • The drop shadow has been taken from the colour palette.
  • The suns have been taken from the logo and have been used as bullet points to separate the contact information.


I am happy with my design so far and look to adjust it a little further before it is complete.

Colour Palette

From my logo design, I have created a colour palette to match. I have incorporated some lighter and darker greys as they go well with a bright aqua blue colour, as well as some darker shades of blue which I may or may not need with my website and brochure.

This are my chosen colours (unless I change my mind a bit):

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The colours conform to the nautical theme that my tattoo parlour has. I feel they are also pleasing shades of blue and grey (I used the swatch board to help me) and therefore should hopefully be appealing for potential customers.

The main logo uses the bright blue in the bottom left-hand corner (#5cc3dc). This will be the company’s main colour and will be the most prominently used colour too.

The greys will mostly be used for small details as well as possibly vectors in the background. The darker blues are most likely to be for just detailing too.


I also had a play about with the patterns and colours to see how they would appear on a brochure:

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Pulling out various patterns and shapes from the lighthouse and using them elsewhere could be potentially a very good idea. So far I feel the designs that I have created work well together.

Photoshop Tutorial

Today in our lesson we looked at selecting an object in a photo and turning it into a vector graphic. I have done such things before but not for a while so I found this quite a useful exercise. I have never known much about the mask tool before either so it was handy to learn a little about what that does.

This is the photo we used:

Original Photo

This is what I created from it:

Screen Shot 2016-02-03 at 11.47.13

It is possible that I will need to select certain areas of photos and create vectors from them for my High Seas project, so I am glad that I completed this workshop.